en de
Yearly house consumption
Energy price
Energy price increment
PV's production
PV's degression
% pro Jahr
PV price+installation
€ pro kWp
Feed-in remuneration
Would you like to take advantage of the KfW funding for your storage system?
yes no
Your optimal Sonnenbatterie
Sonnenbatterie eco
2 kWh
4 kWh
6 kWh
8 kWh
10 kWh
12 kWh
14 kWh
16 kWh
+ Made in Germany
+ Extra long lifetime of 10.000 charge cycles
+ Complete storage system and ready to use
+ 10 years warranty for all parts*
+ Intelligent storage system
+ Usable battery capacity: kWh
+ Cell composition: Lithium Iron Phosphate
+ Weight: kg
+ Sizes W x H x L: cm
+ Inverter power: W
+ Operation form: Parallel single-phase with three-phase measurement
+ Battery life: designed for 20 years
Your autarky
You are % independent = % less electricity costs
Your savings
That means: You save within the next 20 years € after substracting investments.
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